i'm not too often checking my ads revenue. so recently i see that my adbrite is not performing very well. so, i try to check what options i got there to maximize my revenue. after browsing a while, i found the option where i can reserve pricing. here, i set a price for adbrite to beat. if they can pay me more than this, they will show their ads. otherwise, they will show my adsense.
in addition, i also set the adsense alternate url ads to point to my amazon affiliate code.
this way, with one single javascript code from adbrite, i got 3 different ads networks competing for one ad space. amazon vs adsense vs adbrite.
here's how it work:
- if adbrite can pay me more than the price i set, then adbrite ads will show up
- if adbrite cant pay more that that, then adsense script takes over
- if adsense can give relevant ads, then adsense ads will show up
- if adsense fail to find relevant ads, it will display my amazon ads instead of the unpaid public service ads.
see the Indonesian Online Discussion Community to see how this works.
you can also try these alternate ads:
- alternateURL. they only pay via paypal
- alternate url ads. which display ads from searchfeed. thus you're require to signup with searchfeed first.
- put up chikita.
so, what you do to maximize your ads revenue?
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